Floor to ceiling windows
Natural light is a great way to support wellbeing and promote natural sleep patterns. If you suffer with Seasonal Affective Disorder, you’ll know all too well how difficult it can be to live a normal life without adequate sunlight. If your home has small windows, or a north-facing aspect, you might feel like it’s constantly dark and dull. After all, there’s nothing worse than having lights on in the middle of the day.
Full length windows can be a great weapon against gloomy homes, and they’re used in all kinds of buildings to enhance good health and productivity. Have you considered altering your home and bringing in more light? It could transform your house and add significant kerb appeal.
The Problem With Artificial Lighting
Many of us get through winter by leaving lights on all day. In some homes, it’s necessary to have lights on even in summer. Dim lighting can be harmful, because it doesn’t cause the brain to properly wake up, and people who live in dark homes report that they feel disconnected from the outside world.
It’s far better to change the structure of your home to bring more natural light in, and there are two key ways to do this. In a single-storey area, a roof lantern is ideal. In all other rooms, full-length windows are key.
Replacing Small Windows
If you’re concerned about the hassle of replacing small windows, you might be in for a pleasant surprise. If your new, full length window is the same width as the window you’re going to remove, the building work is relatively simple, since your builder will only need to remove bricks from underneath.
Replacing a window with a full length unit that is wider than the original is a more complicated job. But it’s still perfectly possible.
Equally, if your full length windows will be installed at ground level, this is more straightforward than replacing a window on a higher floor. But it depends on the way your home is constructed.
Important Design Features
When installing full length windows, security is key. Make sure you’re happy with the locking mechanism, and consider laminated glass to resist smash-and-grab burglary attempts.
Also, you’ll need to purchase the most energy-efficient windows you can afford, because an inefficient full length window is going to leak a lot of heat to the outside. Look for high solar gain, warm edge spacers and panes filled with inert gas. Ideally, you should purchase A rated units, or invest in triple glazing.
Finally, plan the colour for your windows appropriately. Match the rest of the home, or go for a two-tone frame that has white outside and a colour inside. You can also use interesting paint colours to make the room look lighter. Yellow paint inside the window frame can cast a sunny glow in any season.
Transforming Your Home
With more than four decades’ experience in domestic glazing, Hamiltons are the experts in using clever window design to improve the feel of a home. Contact us today to talk through your options and order your beautiful new full length windows.